Wednesday, March 25, 2015

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus became the most popular smartphones in the enterprise market

Research company Good Technology published a report for the fourth quarter 2014 on trends in enterprise mobile cloud infrastructures. Despite the popularity of gadgets running Android in the consumer segment, among corporate users across the globe dominant mobile platform Apple.

According to analysts, the most popular devices in the business environment and in government are iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The share of these two smartphones had 30% of activations phones in the fourth quarter of last year. Was more popular 4.7-inch version, which won 77% of Apple's smartphone activations latest generation versus 23% for iPhone 6 Plus. In the third quarter, the ratio was 85% to 15% in favor of the iPhone 6.
In general, a mobile platform Apple has 73% market share of corporate devices - so much the corporate sector has activated the iPhone and iPad from the total number of vehicles purchased in October-December 2014. Three months earlier iOS share was 69%, whereas it amounted to Android 29%. In the fourth quarter of last year Android recorded in the asset 25% of activations.
Previously, Apple CEO Tim Cook said his company has an incredible success in the enterprise market and to stop there is not going to. In July last year, the corporation has reached an agreement with IBM to work together on a new class of business applications for the iPhone and iPad, tailored to the experience of the last in the field of analytics and cloud computing. Also, "Big Blue" will be selling iOS-device to its corporate clients around the world.
Good Technology Analysts expect that in the future iOS and retain a dominant position in the corporate market.