Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Next: Music widget that is always at hand

In the App Store released a new widget for Notification Center that allows you to manage your multimedia library iOS 8. With Next, you can quickly turn playing music without launching an application on Apple.
Next: музыкальный виджет, который всегда под рукой

Music widget for iOS 8 can boast broad functionality. But he clearly displays music tracks with album art and allows you to enable playback and switch tracks.
Next widget offers an original way to organize multimedia content. It consists of a block with buttons to control playback and track name / artist / album, just a list of songs, buttons to manage the list and four tabs - songs, artists, albums and playlists.
We also have a widget button "arrow up" and "down arrow", with which you can scroll through the albums inside the widget. More familiar way to control gestures are not supported. Playback mode settings are available: "random" and "redo".
Next audiophiles will appreciate especially those people who are too lazy to run a standard application Music. Performance widget raises no objections.