Tuesday, March 24, 2015

iPhone will be able to calculate the trajectory of other users

Apple has patented a new technology that allows users to track the movement and even display path traversed by man. Application published on Tuesday the US Patent Office.

Apple patented technology is a further development of service Find My Friends. Use it to locate the owners of the iPhone and iPad. Now learn how to connect gadgets in real-time conditional points, ranking the trajectory of a person. At any time, you can check which way he went, and guess where he was going. The patent states that the function will work only with the consent of the owner of the device.
As conceived by experts Apple, it will not only enhance security and speed up the search for the phone in case of theft, but will also provide control over the situation, when two people need to find each other in a big city, or when it is necessary to monitor the child went for a walk alone. The application will be broadcast and advice on navigation, and at once on multiple devices. You can enable the "mirror" mode, then the information displayed on the screen of various gadgets will be identical.
However, evil tongues have dubbed technology Track My Friends, pointing to "spy" motivated. While there is no evidence the possibility of using the instrument intelligence agencies, but history is replete with examples of covert surveillance of the owners of the devices connected to the Internet or mobile networks. We already know that the application can be based on data GPS, and the exchange of information within the cellular network, and the communication between devices will be implemented primarily through the Internet and Bluetooth.
Interestingly, the patent notes that several variants of the tool. It can be used "human, animal or robot". We are talking about a miniature transmitter, which can be installed not only on the iPhone or iPad, but also as a separate device inserted into the dog's collar or attached to quadrocopter. In the case of a pet will allow the development of Apple to find him if he lost while walking.
The robot will give the coordinates not only enthusiasts in the field of cybernetics, but also professionals, sent him on a mission, perhaps the military, although this is not mentioned directly.
Of course, not all patents Apple eventually implemented. The company generates a huge amount of ideas, and then either lays them until better times, or uses. For example, many patents related to "smart" home, until they found the application, but their own smart watch company from Cupertino actually released.