Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Italy has accused Apple of failing to pay taxes on 879 million euros

Italian prosecutors launched an investigation against the company Apple, according to local newspaper Repubblica. American computer electronics giant is suspected of failing to pay income tax in the amount of 879 million euros.

The case concerns two managers of the Italian subsidiary of Apple, but also sales corporation which is located in Ireland. We are talking about the period from 2008 to 2013.Machinations, according to the authorities, were made at this time. Presumably the revenue earned in Italy, went to Ireland, where for Apple acted special tax regime.
Tax breaks that the Irish authorities have provided many years transnational corporations have become subject to investigation and criticism from the European Commission. Under pressure from Brussels, Dublin had to abandon this practice.
Last summer, the European Commission launched an investigation into the tax preferences that Apple received in Ireland. As a result, it was found that this country illegally exempts American corporation. The use of such schemes allow the company to withdraw annually from taxation billions of euros.
Operating in the country tax rate of 12.5%, and so is the lowest in the European Union, but Apple as a result of agreements enjoy preferential rate of 1.9%.
Apple Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri said the company did not violate any laws. «Apple is proud of the history of the Irish branch of the company, our staff in Cork has 4,000. They serve our clients involved in the production, technical support and other important tasks ... Apple has not received any additional preferences from the state. We follow the letter of the law on a par with other companies that do business in Ireland" - said a spokesman for Apple.