Thursday, March 26, 2015

Steve Wozniak: Jobs would never have got a job in today's Apple

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak believes that the present form of the company, founded almost 40 years ago, would not have accepted to work him or Steve Jobs. This is a businessman, told the The Australian Financial Review.

"I look at the experience and level of education required for employment at Apple today, and I think:" It seems that neither I nor Steve Jobs could not get a job in the company" - said Wozniak.
According to him, the requirements for candidates from Apple leaves no chance for the two dropouts, dropped out of college. This means that companies are less likely to find someone capable of bringing into the world a completely new idea.
"The more you get, the more you have to think about the products and software that works with millions and millions of people. It slows you" - said Wozniak, speaking about IT-corporations.
At that time, as Apple continues to make great products, the most promising solutions offer small startups, he added.
"Siri, Apple has appeared before Google introduced Google Now, and Microsoft - Cortana. And they bought them from someone else - said the WHO. - I like Siri even before Apple bought it. But then, few people could use it. The deal Apple has shown that it is able to work effectively with the most innovative products".
Steve Wozniak, along with Steve Jobs founded Apple in 1976 and created the Apple I computers and Apple II. In 1981 he had an accident on his plane and was retrograde amnesia. Then he decided not to return to work in Cupertino, where he was vice-president in charge of research and development. 12 years after the founding of the corporation, February 6, 1987 Wozniak once again retired from Apple, this time for good.
Wozniak is still listed employee at Apple, and even receive a salary.