Monday, March 9, 2015

Swedes turned the iPhone in a virtual reality helmet [video]

Swedish developers gather at the site Indiegogo money on a device that extends the functionality of iPhone and iPhone 6 6 Plus. With a special device owners "apple" smartphone can turn gadgets in a virtual reality helmet.

As conceived by engineers, iPhone is attached to the device is attached to the user's head.The device, called Moggles, resembles a pair of binoculars with two lenses that are on the screen of the mobile device simultaneously transmit two streams of images: the left and right eyes.
Swedes claim that Moggles ideal for games. According to them, very soon will be ready the first application in which users can immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality. In addition Moggles does not employ any one of the connectors iPhone or iPad, that in the future opens up great opportunities for additional improvements and modifications to the device by connecting the device. Included with the device is a game controller, which can be controlled by virtual reality.
At the moment, the project is at the stage of collecting funds for the series production engineers need 60,000 dollars. In case of success , Moggles can get on the shelves in September. Head-mounted display for smartphones was estimated at $ 130.