Monday, March 9, 2015

The second episode of Tales from the Borderlands will be released on March 17 [video]

In December last year on iOS became available the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands called Zero Sum. A month earlier, premiered on Windows, PS3 / 4 and Xbox 360. It is learned that the release of the second episode is scheduled for March 17. Total Telltale Games plans to release five series.

Tales from the Borderlands - interactive adventure game, so most of the time gamer spends talk, explore the world and watching the cut scenes. But in between all this, it is proposed to war as the huge robot, and for the two main characters.
The game's plot revolves around an employee of the corporation "Hyperion" Fiona Rees and fraudsters. Rice plans to become the new Handsome Jack and Fiona - crank one big business. Together, they will run away from the bandits Pandora tear heads the local psycho, manage a huge robot, hack computers ... and this is only the beginning of a huge list of adventures.
Journalists and gamers were delighted by Zero Sum. Average PC version on the aggregator Metacritic was 90/100. Employee GameSpot (9/10) said that Tales from the Borderlands perfectly conveys the atmosphere and aesthetics of Borderlands and the plot and gameplay, and design. Among the advantages observers note exciting action scenes, emphasizing mood soundtrack and opportunities for decision-making and Fiona Rees.
One of its main advantages Tales from the Borderlands - a good story that blends into the world. During the game easy to forget that the story was not written by developers of the first three parts, and the other studio. And that's fine, because he adventure genre means more opportunities for the study of the plot rather than a game in the genre of shooter.
The game was interesting, with a complex plot, rich gameplay and insane speed. Thus, the company Telltale Games have set themselves very high bar for the second episode. Will she be able to maintain the pace of the first part, time will tell. And yet - "Welcome to Pandora!".