Monday, March 23, 2015

Tim Cook rewrote the biography of Steve Jobs

Apple executives share new details about the life of the founder of the new biographical book about Steve Jobs and criticized old. We are talking about "Emerging Steve Jobs" which goes on sale on Tuesday, and biography "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson, published shortly after the death of former Apple CEO in 2011.

The inventor of the iPhone and iPad valued at their employees the ability to keep a secret, but now Apple senior managers voiced publicly for the legacy of the former leader. In his interview with the company's management, including its current head Tim Cook, supports a new unauthorized biography of Jobs. In this book, Cook claims that Isaacson bestseller caused "great damage" to the founder of Apple.
"The person that I read there was those with whom I would never want to work all the time" - said Cook author of a new biography.
In February, Apple's chief designer Jonathan Ive criticized the biographical book Isaacson in his profile in the New Yorker, and in March, senior vice president of Apple's Eddy Cue software praised new book. As another example, a tweet top manager, according to which "Formation of Steve Jobs" - this is the only book on the head of Apple, which recommend people who knew him.
The authors of a new biography of Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzel, in turn, said that to achieve cooperation with Apple has been difficult. In 2012, they were told that the top managers of the company will not give any interviews, but after 18 months, Apple changed its decision.
"After a long period of reflection, there will come after the death of Steve, we felt a sense of responsibility for what to tell you more about Steve, whom we knew," - said a spokesman for Apple spokesman Steve Dowling. According to him, the company decided to participate in the project because of the long-time acquaintance Schlender with Jobs.
"The book captures the Steve better than anything else we've seen, and we are pleased that agreed to participate" - said the representative of Apple.
Schlender Jobs interviewed more than 40 times, he spoke to more than 100 friends, family, colleagues, competitors and former head of Apple.
Author of a biography of Jobs in the book promises to answer questions about how to cast out of the company businessman was able to return to Apple and to prove his prophetic gift.From the book, it became known that shortly before the death of the former head of Apple thought that he would live longer . In the biography also reported that Tim Cook was ready to become a donor of the liver for Steve Jobs. Cook was going to donate organs when Steve needed a transplant.