Thursday, March 26, 2015

Twitter has launched an application for live video from iPhone

Twitter has released a new mobile application for live video. Service has developed a team of startup Periscope, bought the company in March this year.

In Periscope can include streaming video from the camera iPhone, and watch online broadcast or broadcast in a record (the last available within 24 hours). On the home screen, the app shows broadcast, which are at the moment, and below - the last recorded video.
While streaming it can be noted "Like". That is, each viewer tapom on the screen sends Like, which will see a video and all the other viewers. You can also post comments. And the Huskies, and the tape messages stored in video recording.
The service there is no integration with Twitter, but the latter can upload subscribers from user account. Mobile app released only for iOS, the release of Android-client is not reported.
Periscope can free download by going to this link . A direct competitor of new items is an application Meerkat, also specializes in streaming technologies.