Sunday, April 5, 2015

LollipopUI adds to the iPhone button to shutdown, restart and respring with style Android 5.0 [Cydia]

Jailbreak valued for customization. While the owners of the original gadgets indignant, complaining of innovation or the lack of it on the forums, the owners "hacked" iPhone and iPad are all from and to customize yourself, requires only a desire and a little time. In this case, we will focus on a new way of managing iOS using the softkeys.
LollipopUI добавляет на iPhone кнопки выключения, перезагрузки и респринга в стиле Android 5.0 [Cydia]

The story of the software controls on the iPhone in style Android may seem strange, but it is quite right to exist. In some situations, for example, when dealing with an unofficial app, it generally can be vital. With the help of LollipopUI user can shut down, restart, or make respring pressing the power button on the device.
LollipopUI - not the first tweak the plan, but different implementation design. After you install this slider "off" caused by pressing the top button, changes to the panel in the style of Android 5.0, which can be used to make a respring, reboot or shut down the device.
Tweek is very simple and does not carry any other functional. Useful actively experimenting with their gadgets users.
Use LollipopUI in beta status, you can right now. Tweak available in Cydia from a separate repository To install the latest need to open the program Sources section, click Edit, and specify the address of the repository, and then updates via find and develop.