Thursday, April 2, 2015

Windows XP a year after the end of the support is still more popular Windows 8

Come April, and it means that one year has passed since that moment as Microsoft discontinued support for the operating system Windows XP. Despite this, another statistics from Net Applications shows that released 14 years ago, the operating system is still popular Windows 8 and 8.1.

By the end of March with Windows XP still work 16.94% of users, while the share of Windows 8 and 8.1 accounts for 3.52% and 10.55%, respectively - 14.07% in total. Popularity XP decreased obviously not as fast as it would like to Microsoft; for example, 7 months ago on Windows XP worked 23.89% of PCs, so that during this period, its share decreased by only 7%.
Termination of the Windows XP support means that Microsoft no longer produces the official update platform, including security updates, covering vulnerability. Practically, this means that every sixth PC in the world is potentially vulnerable to cyber attacks. In Microsoft strongly recommends that Windows XP users upgrade to more recent versions of Windows 7, 8 or 8.1.
The situation may start to change this autumn after the operating system will be released on Windows 10. The new platform capabilities and graphical interface DirectX 12 give reason to hope for a Microsoft high demand. In the meantime, leadership keeps Windows 7 with a value of 58.04%.
In mobile operating systems in Net Application leaders displayed separately iOS for iPhone smartphones and tablets iPad. Among the most popular versions of Android 4.4 with a value of 20.39%.
As for desktop browsers, currently holds leadership Internet Explorer, and among different versions of IE in the lead 11 to the value of 24.22%. Next come the IE 8, Chrome 41 and IE 9 and Firefox share is only 36% 7.52. Among mobile browsers due to the popularity of "apple" devices at the top was in Safari 8.