Thursday, August 28, 2014

A former employee of Apple introduced newborn son, as the new "apple" product

Former Apple employee Andreas Klyaynke found an original way to tell the world about the birth of his son. He dedicated the newborn web resource by issuing it in style Californian company and talk about "technical specifications" and functions of the child.

The site said that the release of "an entirely new mini», alluding to the name "apple" of the tablet. The site with the familiar décor can be found that the length of the baby Jonathan Henry is 520 mm, width - 200 mm, and weight - 3900, the New made from "solid block of beauty." Born baby has two microphones, two cameras iSight and one speaker whose volume can reach 120 decibels.
According to the specifications, "gadget", it is his 10 fingers, and continued development of 9 months. It is lighter than its "older model" at 95% and can go without charging for almost a day. In Jonathan preinstalled applications for sleeping, eating and going to the toilet, and later will program with opportunities to walk and talk.
Working with mini allowed only two operators, "Dad" and "Mom." In the line of the operating system does "not Android (thank God)."