Thursday, August 28, 2014

Media: simultaneously with the iPhone 6 will be presented to the first wearable computer Apple

Last month, the resource Re / code reported on Apple's plans to introduce in early September iPhone 6. According to the new edition, the smartphones with the next-generation Californian giant show "some wearing device." It is likely, the "smart" watch iWatch / iBand.

«Apple plans to introduce, along with two iPhone models wearable gadget. Announcement is scheduled for September 9. The new device will work closely with the medical and sports platform Apple HealthKit. In addition, it is expected that it will be linked also with HomeKit - a new framework for the management of "smart" home "- says Re / code.
Sources have repeatedly reported that the iWatch will be embedded medical sensors to track parameters such as heart rate and blood oxygen levels. This will be used and optoelectronics technology based on light detectors. The gadget should determine the main biometrics person, reducing the number of visits to the doctor. It is believed that in Cupertino are aiming to bring to market a revolutionary product that will be able to change the market of portable computers.
According to the newspaper, Apple is planning to hold a big event for the media on 9 September. Business Insider notes that the author notes in the Re / code is journalist John Paczkowski, who "always accurately reported that Apple will hold the event to launch the product."
According to the source, Apple plans to show at the presentation of wearable computer and iPhone with two screens 4.7 and 5.5 inches. The current model of iPhone 5s smartphone has a 4-inch screen. It is assumed that the line smartphones iPhone 6 will receive a new mobile processors A8, improved camera, 2 GB of RAM and a number of new sensors.
In Apple rumors appearing before releasing a new product, never officially commented.