Thursday, August 21, 2014

Apple MacBook Pro will transform into a music center with surround sound and a subwoofer

Apple developed a surround sound system for laptops MacBook Pro, consisting of multiple speakers and a subwoofer with an expanded frequency range, reports Cnews . Patent for the invention of the Bureau issued a Patent and Trademark Office.

Depending on the number of audio channels, engineers offer a MacBook Pro equipped with the appropriate number of speakers. For example, two speakers on the left and right of the screen, one speaker under the screen, and another - under the palms. Adding to them the sound converter, you can get surround system.
Transducer - none other than the subwoofer. However, Apple gives it a broader functional - the ability to reproduce not only the sound vibrations low, but the average frequency. The encoder consists of a magnet and electrical coil, connected to the DSP. It is assumed that the transmitter is attached to the inside of one and the shell. It has a compact design that allows for installation in notebooks with a slim body.
Pat Apple converter given special attention. The Company believes that, due to vibration, shimmer, this device is capable of providing high-quality sound in small devices where traditional speakers is difficult to create enough sound pressure.
"As we reduce the size of electronic devices, they become less and less space for speakers.The smaller the speaker, the sound pressure is minimal it is capable of creating. Sound quality drops, or at least its volume - say at Apple. - This is especially true of low frequency sound vibrations. "
Transducer just have to solve this problem by creating sound waves with frequency from 20 Hz to 1.5 kHz, say the inventors.
When will the sale of the MacBook Pro with support for surround unknown. Laptops current generation Apple equips stereo speakers.