Thursday, August 21, 2014

Gecko: "smart" assistant for your iPhone [Video]

The incredible popularity of smart phones iPhone has given birth to a lot of variety of accessories. Another original device presented by Gecko. Its structure is a universal control device for "apple" smartphone. New product allows you to control the device on iOS and Android, find the device in the room, and even adds gadgets additional "smart" options.

Gecko supports four gesture that could mean taking certain actions, once shake, shake her twice, turn left, turn right. These movements are programmed for specific commands a small device, which transmits them to the iPhone.
So, you can use Gecko to control music on your phone or to launch the camera to take pictures or shoot a video. With a special application, you can take some photos after a certain period of time.
Gecko hiding inside accelerometer, Bluetooth 4.0 module and a flat battery, which must be changed at least once a year. In the event of an accelerometer device sends a signal to a mobile device, then the application interprets the data. Scope of the new items is extensive: in addition to the search iPhone label may be used, for example, as a security sensor. You will receive a notification that the door is not locked, or open, that the need to take medication at the scheduled time, that your pet ran too far away from you, etc.
"Smart" Gecko tags were presented to the public a year ago, but sales of accessory started just now. Shipment of the first copies to be held later this month. The cost of one Gecko is 35 dollars. For a set of four gadgets will have to pay $ 100.