Monday, August 25, 2014

China in October will present its operating system to compete with Windows and OS X

In October, China will present the public a new operating system. "We intend to compete with Microsoft, Apple and Google», - the developers say.

According to ITAR-TASS , China seek to abolish the monopoly position of Microsoft in the local software market.
"The new system will initially be available only for desktop computers, and later it can be installed on smartphones and other mobile devices - said the expert of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Neither Guannan, head of the team that developed the new OS. - We intend to compete with Microsoft, Apple and Google ".
However, neither Guannan acknowledged that the project is not enough money to carry out some research. Hinders its development and divergence of opinion in the team of programmers on a number of issues.
This is not the first attempt of China to abandon the software created by foreign companies.Development of new types of their own operating systems in China accelerated after the publication of information on the American secret electronic surveillance program codenamed PRISM.
While China was unable to create an OS that would be really popular among the population.Experts believe that the transition of Chinese consumers to alternative operating systems hampered by a number of habits formed, including the desire to use a set of favorite programs, which can not always be found on Chinese OS.