Monday, August 25, 2014

Steve Jobs angered omissions Xerox, developed graphical user interface [Video]

Steve Jobs has always been a straight man in conversations about IT-technologies, what can we say about talking on the sidelines of Apple. Last year, one of the former employees of the company told how during meetings present timidly watched passages Jobs, who first saw the revolutionary GUI company Xerox. About this character trait Apple founder told the ex-employees of the research center of Xerox PARC, based in Palo Alto, California.

Today edition of Fortune published an entertaining video of 2011 with a "round table" of members of the so-called "Club of Churchill." One of the participants in the conversation shared his impressions after a visit by the Xerox PARC in Office Apple, where he was lucky enough to chat with Jobs. It was an innovative development of the Institute for the graphical user interface, which praised Jobs.
In discussing the financial side of the issue, Apple CEO could not resist, jumped up and shouted, "What's going on here? You do not understand that this is a gold mine! Why do not you develop this technology? You can change the world! "
Six-minute excerpt from the hour and a half conversation, see below:
It was such a memorable Steve Jobs former employee of Xerox PARC, and later - one of the key employees of Apple, Mr. Tesler. Perhaps he remembered all this. It is noteworthy that Fortune has published this video on a day when the care of Steve's company was three years old.