Saturday, October 4, 2014

10 things you should know before installing Windows 10 TP

So, Microsoft has released Technical Preview-version of the operating system Windows 10. As part of the testing Windows Insider Program users have already begun to actively download a preliminary version of the system. 
10 вещей, о которых следует знать перед установкой Windows 10 TP

Volunteers, who are already familiar with the product, note the stability of its work. Microsoft is asking users to remember a few simple rules, and points that will help to further evaluate the changes in the system.
10 вещей, о которых следует знать перед установкой Windows 10 TP
Below we give a list of these conditions with a few comments.
1. You can install Windows 10 Technical Preview, if you:
  • interested in testing the "crude" product and intend to share thoughts about his work;
  • do not have anything against the changes in the interface of the system, which can happen during the test;
  • really good at computers, know how to solve basic problems associated with them;
  • able to back up your data, format the hard drive, install the system "from scratch", or revert to the previous;
  • know what the ISO-image and how to work correctly;
  • do not install Windows 10 on your main computer.
2. Reliability.
Can happen all sorts of unforeseen errors that can damage the user's documents, so you should always be prepared for emergency data recovery. Some models of printers and other equipment may not be recognized by the system. Problems installing individual programs or the network connection is also not excluded.
3. Privacy Policy.
Microsoft has updated its privacy statement for Windows 10 Technical Preview. If your computer system will be established by the unstable, the company has the right to examine the user's system files - devotees of conspiracy theories is worth considering.
4. Hardware Compatibility.
A preliminary version of the new OS is compatible with most accessories and programs that run without problems on Windows 8.1. But for the correct operation of a separate software may require you to reinstall it. In some cases, you will need to download additional packages with drivers for certain equipment.
5. Recommended reading about Windows 10 Technical Preview only work with a bunch of "keyboard mouse".
There is a view that the correct operation of the system is possible with the data input devices. It follows:
6. If the user has a computer with a touch screen, the minor technical flaws and "roughness" will sometimes occur. 
7. If you are upgrading to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 all the system settings and personal files are saved.

In the case of Vista system settings are not saved.
8. Hour Automatic Updates Windows 10 will work under compulsion.
That is, turn it off, as it was possible in the earlier OS, will not work. If there is a fresh upgrade, be sure to download and install it.
9. System Requirements.
If your computer can easily "digest" Windows 8.1, the problems with the work of the preview version of Windows 10 should not be. For all the doubters publish the minimum system requirements:
  • processor with a clock frequency of 1 GHz or higher;
  • 1 GB of RAM for 32-bit systems and 2GB - for 64-bit;
  • 16 GB of internal memory;
  • video card with built-in support for DirectX 9;
  • yet supports English, Simplified Chinese, Brazilian and Portuguese.
10. The ability to return to the previous system.
This will require a backup copy of Windows on the hard drive (for owners of Windows 7 and Windows Vista) or USB-drive (for owners of Windows 8.1 and Windows 8).