Friday, March 20, 2015

Final Fantasy XI will be released on mobile devices

Multiplayer online role-playing game Final Fantasy XI in 2016 will go to the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, but will appear on mobile devices running iOS and Android in the branch under the name Final Fantasy Grandmasters. This was reported in the official blog of Square Enix.

To release a new mobile project studio decided together with Nexon. As you can guess, Final Fantasy Grandmasters conceived as a shareware game. "Through this partnership, Final Fantasy XI, which enjoyed great success on PC and consoles for thirteen years, will make a confident step towards mobile platforms" ​​- said Square Enix.
Mobile adaptation of Final Fantasy XI will inherit the same world as the original, as well as the lion's share of content there. Next month in Japan will begin beta testing a version for devices on iOS and Android, and International Grandmasters release scheduled for next year.
Final Fantasy XI was originally released in Japan on 16 May 2002 a PlayStation 2, and six months later - on Windows. In 2003, the game has been translated into English. To date, published four additions: Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, Treasures of Aht Urghan, Wings of the Goddess.
As in many other MMORPG, the game takes place on independent servers. When creating a character, gamers are asked to select one of five races - Hume, Elvaan, Galka, Mithra and Tarutaru. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, but there are no restrictions in the choice of occupations available to race does not impose.