Wednesday, September 24, 2014

iOS 8.0.1 is causing problems in the cell module and Touch ID

The first update of the new operating system Apple iOS 8.0.1 has caused the failure of smartphones iPhone. On Twitter, there were numerous complaints from users who have reported problems with the connection to the cellular network and Fingerprint Touch ID.

IOS 8.0.1 release was held on Wednesday evening. This is a technical update, which Apple has solved problems with the platform HealthKit, unloading photos and videos in Safari, improved compatibility with third-party keyboards and improved the reliability function Reachability on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. At the same time the update has crashed in a number of devices.
It is learned that after installing iOS 8.0.1 smartphones longer connect to cellular networks.The top line of iOS steady inscription "Search" or "No service." Furthermore, no working fingerprint scanner. Judging by the first reviews, the problem affected iPhone owners 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
Anyone who has encountered problems in the devices need to downgrade - downgrade iOS 8.0.1 to version iOS 8.0. You can do it on our instructions "How to downgrade from iOS 7.1.2 iOS on 8". Methodology for a similar, but instead of iOS 7.1.2 firmware to use iOS 8.0.Download IPSW-file iOS 8.0 can be on this page .