Apple founder Steve Jobs was protecting their children from the overuse of technological devices, including the iPad. His example was followed by many technology executives, who fear the negative impact of electronic devices on the health and development of children.
More captains technology industry are trying to reduce the time spent by their children at the monitor. A striking example was created by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Its technological asceticism illustrates the fact that the children of Jobs did not have access to the tablet iPad,-breaking at the time sales records. According to biographer Walter Issaksona maker Apple, Jobs every evening with children gathered around the table to discuss the books and stories.Nobody was using a computer or tablet, reports RT .
His example was followed by many leaders of tech giants. Thus, the executive director of the 3D Robotics Chris Anderson introduced the parental control and a limited time on all electronic devices in the house. He was convinced by his example, the consequences of too close interaction with electronic gadgets. According to Anderson, the danger lies in new technologies and emerging harmful content, depending on the electronic novelties.
Often parents forbid the use of gadgets while studying. Leslie Gold, creator and managing communication group SutherlandGold, dealing with issues of new technologies, reported that in their family, there is a strict rule not to sit in front of the monitor during the working week.
However, there are other opinions on this subject too strict prohibitions may lead to the opposite effect. In particular, Dick Costolo, Twitter executive head said that his children have unlimited access to technology, as long as they are in the living room. According to him, if you do not give the child an idea of any thing, and later it can lead to serious consequences.
Note that the study conducted by the Medical Foundation and the American Foundation for health and active lifestyle have shown that limiting the time that children spend on the monitor, a beneficial effect on the health of the child and his development. They sleep better, are less aggressive and successful learning.