Sunday, March 8, 2015

Alto's Adventure - Sleepy Hollow

After a long game drought (which covered even mobile, where games come out of twenty per week), it was somehow quite unbearable pereprohodit old hits - and no new ones were brought. Had to fend random nonsense, which is not worth mentioning - you probably have noticed that the department of game reviews here a long time empty. Well, help has finally arrived, and from not waiting for - a genre taymkillerov. Help, however, such that immediately falls into a pool of applicants for the "Game of the Year"; from the ship to the ball. Alto's Adventure - unbearably beautiful arcade pro snowboarder endless race from the tops of the mountain slopes.

In general, it is this: a young man, wrapped in a sheepskin coat three, watching brood llamas when they go past unwise heels. Smeared with whale oil, a young man jumps on a snowboard and let's catch unruly animals.
Check-in is likely to endless: you can not come to the end point. Wound counter passed meters collected coins and zaarkanennyh lamas. You can still turn the feints - exactly one: do somersaults in flight.
Hillside strewn with rocks, cliffs interrupted and eventually attacks on northern snowboarder evil horse - causes of aggression are unknown, but it could easily whip interrupt peaceful ride. When at least one of the above reasons, the player stops the race, Alto's Adventure displays summary statistics: how many passed, collected, and clocked learned. The figures can show your friends on social networks, of course, if not you afraid that your friends then they do not cease to be - the spirit of competition Alto's Adventure is out of control.
Which is quite strange for such - not even calm - but rather meditative game. The authors have come up with a wonderful thing: while you are traveling, changing the time of day.Began in the late evening and ended, for example, in the early morning. In the mountains meet the rising particularly well, so from Alto's Adventure comes some Buddhist charm: peace and quiet, and the only sound is emitted at the feet of snow rustling in the dynamics.Something similar experience when you go a couple of days on the train - wheel rhythmically tapping, outside runs fine, but even the landscape and you are half asleep looking at it.
You can go out of his stupor, only to meet all the same rider - but not before. Designers drew delightfully beautiful world: winter, all majestically, but peacefully shines, the birds fly in the sky. When the mountains hugging the night, light up the stars and flying lanterns illuminate your path. Of course, the most beautiful game earlier this year. And no technological perversion is not necessary - Alto's Adventure quietly goes on many devices, without requiring anything special.
During the game will have to pay two dollars - yes, who grew up a course, but you need to understand: these games are worth the money. Internal purchases is not here, and can not be - it would ate at the integrity of the game. So that the opening $ 1,99 and that's it - then you just have fun fascinated watching the change of day and night.