Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Flexible Samsung Galaxy S7 will compete with the iPhone 7

Rumors that Samsung is developing a smartphone with a folding screen, go for a long time.It is assumed that such apparatus will strain the ability to have the entire structure, not only the screen. Today in Seoul made it clear that they have production facilities in which it is planned to start production of these smartphones.

In Samsung did not specify which specific models in question, and do not extend their exact form factor. We only know that the main idea of ​​creating the device is to put a large screen in a small case. It is expected that the smartphone debut with foldable displays will take place next year - in time for the iPhone 7.
Market participants are divided into four main stages in the evolution of flexible displays: it is bent, bend, folding and twisting of the panel. For example, screen model Galaxy S6 edge is between the first and second stages of development. How reasonable use of such technologies, a separate issue.
With the improvement of the production of deformable display manufacturers will introduce and other design elements, is flexible. It is, in particular, the body panels and batteries: these components, for example, may consist of several sections to allow transformation.
Samsung Display representatives stated that the commercialization of flexible smartphone will be available in 2016.