Thursday, March 26, 2015

Nine Inch Nails frontman is working on the design of a new music service Apple Beats

Musician Trent Reznor, frontman of the industrial-alternative command Nine Inch Nails, developing design applications for the new streaming service Apple, passes the New York Times. Earlier Reznor collaborated with Beats Music music service in the position of CCO, and now came under the wing of the brainchild of Steve Jobs.

From left to right: Trent Reznor, Jimmy Ayovin, Dr. Dre
"My job at Apple has to do with what I was doing in the Beats. Beats was acquired by Apple, and the latter expressed a direct interest in the fact that I made with them certain products. I can not go into details, because I feel myself in a unique position, which can be useful for the company. This involves some trade-offs in terms of how much effort I will pay the music, and how much - the creation of products" - said Trent.
As the New York Times, Apple is not able to negotiate with record labels to lower than its competitors subscription price. Month unlimited access to the music catalog will be worth $ 10. The same number of paid users Spotify, Rdio, Rhapsody and other services. According to financial analyst at Bernstein Research Sakkonagi Tony, this time the Californian giant acts as a catch-up that does not allow him to dictate their terms.
Apple has not introduced a new service Apple Beats for streaming music event at the March Spring Forward, as previously expected. Departure of key personnel and the need to develop Android-Apps forced the company to postpone the launch. According to some reports, the project will be officially launched on June 8 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC 2015). The product will be integrated with iTunes and will support the "cloud" of the library, as well as advanced system recommendations based on user preferences.
Apple Beats release will be held simultaneously with the release of a new version of iOS (possibly under the number 8.4 or 9.0). It Apple has done a great job on the bugs, greatly increasing the stability of the system. New music service will be available in the form of applications for iOS and Android, Mac-applications and the web version. The product also comes on Apple TV.