Thursday, March 26, 2015

Volumes of production of Apple Watch twice lower than planned

From Asia come rumors of production problems faced by Apple in the assembly of "smart" watches Apple Watch. As a result, the volume of output of these devices may be significantly lower than previously expected level.

According to figures cited by DigiTimes, Apple Watch for a characteristic of a very low percentage of usable products. Almost all the current quarter did not exceed 50% of the confirmed suppliers of components. However, the yield rate of products is increased, so that this can be shipped by at least 15 million watches.
Initially it was expected that only in the I quarter will be made 4 million devices. However, the low percentage of the output of components and finished products has led to the fact that the actual volume of shipments is estimated at 2-2.2 million units.
Not long ago, an analyst at Cowen & Co Timothy Arcuri said that the lack of the ability of existing partners produce watches Watch Apple led the company from Cupertino to seek help from Foxconn and Samsung. Experts predict that by June 2015 delivery Apple Watch will not exceed 6 million copies.
Typically, Apple does not comment on information regarding production problems, so that confirm or refute not have to wait in this case.