Friday, March 6, 2015

Pornhub presented bracelet for charging smartphones during masturbation [video]

Largest porntube Pornhub announced electronic bracelet Wankband, which alone produces electric current for charging smartphones during masturbation. The site is open for those wishing to record test the new product.

Wearable gadget works by moving the cargo inside the bracelet while driving. Detailed device Wankband not given, but the principle of action reminiscent of a permanent magnet generator as a movable armature - in coils wound around the guide appears the electric current with the magnetic field. Features of Wankband set out in the promotional video.
"We will show men how they can save the planet, doing what they do best," - said the Pornhub, emphasizing the ecological purity of the energy produced. It is noted here that the bracelet works equally well for both men and women.
Accumulated charge Wankband can give smartphones via USB-interface. Pornoresursov did not say how long the testing device and when it can be sold. The cost of the gadget is also not known.