Friday, March 6, 2015

Apple, Google and Intel will pay $ 415 million at the suit of the salary collusion

The court in California has allowed Apple, Google, Intel and Adobe to pay compensation in the amount of $ 415 million to settle a dispute with former employees, accusing the company of conspiring against the hiring of specialists competitors. District Judge San Jose Lucy Koh felt that it is possible.

Apple, Google, Intel and Adobe have agreed to pay compensation to settle a dispute with a former employee who accused the large corporations in cahoots against hiring specialists competitors. Thus, US companies have decided to settle filed against them lawsuit.
As Apple and Google declined to comment. Intel spokesman Chuck Mulloy said the company was pleased with the judge's decision. Lawyers for the plaintiffs, as well as representatives from Adobe, were unavailable for comment operational.
Charges were brought against Apple, Google, Adobe Systems, Intel and several other US companies. In addition to the salary they were accused of collusion in the agreement not to poach top executives from each other.
During the investigation, was found e-mails, dated 2007, which was conducted by the late Jobs and then-Google CEO Eric Schmidt. In one of the founder of Apple demanded from the head of Google to stop poaching staff. Schmidt redirect messages with claims his subordinates. As a result, employee Google, lured Developer Apple, decided to fire and Jobs apologized.
In April last year, Apple, Google, Intel and Adobe have offered to pay compensation in the amount of $ 324.5 million for pre-trial settlement of the dispute, but it was rejected by the court. The plaintiffs demanded payment of about $ 3 billion in damages.