Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Prankery disguised as consultants Apple Store tried to lure buyers to the side of Microsoft [video]

American comedians of NelkFilmz decided to make fun of visitors Apple Store. Dressed as consultants Apple, they went into the New York Apple stores and urged customers to switch to random Microsoft products and Samsung.

People react to the surprise revelation of people dressed in blue T-shirts branded with the logo of Apple. Jokers advised against buying iPhone 6, critically assessed the possibility of iPad Air and explained the whole audience that Apple products do not deserve, and minute attention, and even more so for the money spent. Alternative devices were Microsoft.
Visitors listened attentively imposters: some buyers really left the Apple Store after the council "consultant". Others wondered, should not a company employee to advertise its products rather than competitors.
Four prankera managed to mislead many potential buyers have not yet been seen by managers. After that prankery loudly "retire" from the ranks of Apple. Before leaving the store, they shouted slogans like "I opened my eyes to the products Apple", "I have been working here for the third month, and nobody knows me, I've had enough" and "all for me to shop Microsoft".
During the day, a comic movie scored 110,000 views. On the reaction of Apple's such a joke, nothing is known.