Saturday, October 4, 2014

Samsung will supply Apple processors A9

Not yet had time to become obsolete chipset A8, established in flagship smartphones iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and the web already has information about the processor, A9, which will be equipped with the next generation of phones from Apple. 
Samsung будет поставлять Apple процессоры A9

Will be engaged in the production of the processor to Samsung. Previously known that chipset A9 will be made on 14-nm process technology, and the creation of the chip is planned to use technology FinFet. This will ensure the growth of energy efficiency by 35%. Moreover, A9 will be 20% faster and 15% smaller its immediate predecessor. Recall that A8 processor is designed for 20-nm process technology.
To date, the other partner of Apple, the company TSMC, meets the needs of the corporation in kupertinovskoy A8 at 70%, while the delivery of the remaining 30% deals with Samsung. Company TSMC plans to move production of equipment for the 14-nm process technology only next year, with the exact date has not yet named. In turn, Samsung already has all the necessary equipment for the production of 14-nm processor A9.