Friday, August 29, 2014

New data on the situation in the market of mobile operating systems

Two weeks ago, the supplier of market research IDC has provided data on the situation in the market of mobile operating systems and reported that the share of Windows Phone in the past year has dropped to 2.5%. A new report research firm Kantar shows data about the market of mobile systems in the three months - May, June and July. According to information received, the case of Windows Phone are not as bad as thought.
Новые данные о ситуации на рынке мобильных операционных систем

Новые данные о ситуации на рынке мобильных операционных систем
Новые данные о ситуации на рынке мобильных операционных систем
Новые данные о ситуации на рынке мобильных операционных систем
Новые данные о ситуации на рынке мобильных операционных систем
According to Kantar, the undisputed leader in China is the company Xiaomi. Win Huawei and Coolpad on the local market also increased significantly, but the companies ZTE, Lenovo and Oppo though comes an increase in sales, but they do not correspond to the overall expansion of the Chinese market. Samsung is a leader in the UK, where, according to the source, more than half of users who have bought a new Galaxy S5, previously used the previous model Samsung. Also, 20% of users have switched to Samsung smartphones with Apple iPhone, 18% of new users switched from Samsung products HTC.
Android is the market leader in mobile platforms. Interestingly, the market share of Android in the United States, China and Mexico increased by reducing the share of iOS. Windows Phone is losing its position in China, Mexico, Germany and France, but the market share increased in Spain, Italy and the UK. Thus, to date, the operating system Windows Phone loses far fewer users than iOS.
Apple's market share declined, but sales continue to grow at the expense of offers high-end devices. However, competitors are selected to Apple and in this segment, so the situation may change soon.