Friday, August 29, 2014

Steve Wozniak sure that only iWatch raise the market of portable devices

Steve Wozniak is considered one of the leading experts of the world of technology. To each his saying people listen and draw conclusions on the further development of the world IT. At this time, Steve expressed his opinion concerning the market of portable devices, outlined expected iWatch, and the fact that Apple can implement them in order to obtain his favor. Now he believes that "smart" watches are sold very poorly and are only an intermediary between the user and the smartphone. According to him, Apple is preparing such a device, which will be much better than the existing counterparts.
Стив Возняк уверен, что только iWatch поднимут рынок носимых устройств

"Apple is working hard on each of its product. I am sure that the watch iWatch will be the device that will change the situation in the market of portable devices and make this a viable segment," - says Steve Wozniak.
Recall that Steve Wozniak is the co-founder of Apple, but lately he has repeatedly said that it is now Android is a product of the highest quality in some areas. He does not want to iWatch present heart rate monitor, but it is, in his opinion, in hours should be the function associated with the measurement of health indicators of the user. Steve also wants to see the hours of Apple's larger display.
Apple has announced to hold a presentation on September 9 where, according to rumors, we will show a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and those "smart" watch iWatch.