Wednesday, December 10, 2014

American returned the stolen iPhone using tweak from Cydia

Many cases lose anything: keys, mobile phone, TV remote. But one thing when things are lost because of their own carelessness or forgetfulness, and quite another - when due to theft. Most often attract robbers handbags, purses, wallets, and this means that almost always catch cheaters updated keys to the apartment, car and smartphones. In such a situation was under user nikneynom G1ngerBear. The story of the theft of iPhone, he told the forum on Reddit.
Американец вернул украденный iPhone с помощью твика из Cydia

At spouses G1ngerBear from his jacket pocket pulled out a new iPhone 6. Fortunately loss noticed almost immediately - have decided to use for the search iCaughtU Pro. With applications available for jailbroken devices, they tracked the location of a stolen iPhone and get a photo of the robber. Recently it became possible thanks to tweak. When you enter the wrong password, it takes a picture with the front camera of the iPhone and sends it to the specified address.
Robber was a woman. Before she could go far, is two blocks away. The American went to the police. He told about the incident and provided photographs of the suspects.
Police detained a woman in a matter of hours. It is, of course, begin to deny their involvement in the crime, but in the hands of the police was shot. Intrusa searched, they found a stolen iPhone. As a result, the criminal was in jail, and the phone is returned to the rightful owner.
An important feature of iCaughtU Pro is that it sends an SMS-message if the user incorrectly enters a password on the iPhone. Thus G1ngerBear able to quickly notice the loss. Along with a photo application sends the geographical coordinates and the time when the thief tried to break into the system. In addition tweak support SMS-commands that can be used to remotely take a photo with the camera, lock the smartphone or play a loud sound.